Join us for the 2025 Samaritan Summit!


Hosted by Choose Life Marketing and the SperaVita Institute, the Samaritan Summit is BACK for a fourth year!

Unlike any other conference, the Samaritan Summit equips pregnancy centers and clinics to reach abortion-determined women. By learning cutting edge marketing techniques, client service best practices, fundraising strategies and more, pregnancy center leaders from across the the country leave feeling refreshed and ready to save and change more lives in their communities.


What You Will Learn

Increase the
effectiveness of
reaching her
Scheduling and
reducing no-shows
Navigate legal changes,
media relations, and
public policy
Engage your board
for more support
Boost your fundraising
techniques and results
Strengthen your
leadership capacity
and impact

And much more!

Abortion-minded women are in your city, and they need your center’s help.

Better reach and serve her by joining us in Naples for the 2025 Samaritan Summit. We hope to see you there!

The Samaritan Summit will be held at the Naples Grande Beach Resort, and we will announce early registration details and sponsorship information very soon!

Have something to say?

Apply to be a Summit Speaker!

We’re looking for general session and breakout session speakers to share their expertise/testimonies on topics that are relevant to the majority of conference attendees. To submit your topic and idea for consideration, please fill out one of the forms below.

Samaritan Summit Sponsors & Exhibitors